Sunday, March 15, 2009

Moving Right Along

We've hit the 14 week mark and things still seem to be going well. We had a doctor's appointment last week and got a good report. Everything is right on track and I've gained two pounds in the last five weeks. The doctor was very happy about that. I still pretty much look the same but some of my pants are getting harder to button and Jon swears he can see a "bump." :-) I'm sure it won't be long before I have a full-fledged baby bump though. We got to hear the heart beating at a healthy 147 bpm which was very exciting. This was the first time Jon got to hear the heartbeat since he missed the 7 week ultrasound appointment (pesky medical school rotations....) so he was excited. He's just holding out until the baby is big enough for him to be able to hear the heart with his stethoscope!

Check out the 14 week picture below. Oh, I'm also putting in a picture of the cookie cake our friends John and Lisa got us to celebrate the pregnancy. John is also in medical school with Jon and, of course, wanted to be accurate by calling the baby by it's proper designation of a "fetus." He did say the man at the store gave him some strange looks when he asked for "Happy Fetus" to be written on the cake but we got a kick out of it. :-)

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