Wednesday, April 22, 2009

It's a.......................GIRL!!

We had our second trimester ultrasound today and found out that the baby is a girl! Bring on the pink!! Everything else looks good with the baby. Development is right on track and all fingers and toes are present and accounted for. All the measurements came out very average except for the baby's head which was pretty large (73rd percentile)!! We're hoping this just means that the baby will be extra smart :-)

The ultrasound also looked at the position of the placenta in the uterus and it turns out I have Placenta Previa. The doctor assured us that this is nothing to worry about and that there is still time for the Placenta to move and the issue to resolve itself. If not, I will just have to deliver through a C-section but there should be no risk posed to the baby. I go for another ultrasound in 6 weeks to see if the placenta has moved any.

Here are some pictures of our little girl:

Front view:

Bottom view:

Side view:

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