Friday, September 4, 2009

Baby's Coming!

In honor of the near arrival of our baby, we put together a little video of Kristin over the last nine months. Hope you enjoy.

On another note, THE BABY'S COMING! We are scheduled for an induction on Wednesday, 9/9/09. It may be earlier, but it's going to be Wednesday at the latest. We can't wait to meet our little princess, and we'll put up pictures as soon as we can!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

38 weeks

Well, we've made it to 38 weeks which means baby is full-term and can arrive any time. Personally, I'm hoping she decides to come sooner rather than later but we shall see! It's just a waiting game at this point. I think we've gotten everything prepared around the house and we are more than ready for this little girl to make her entrance. We'll keep you updated!