Wednesday, June 17, 2009

27 Weeks!

Here are the promised 27 week pictures. I am starting to feel huge and I can't believe I have three more months of growing to do :-) Everything is still going well, though, and I have nothing to complain about. Baby girl and I are both healthy!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

26 Week Ultrasound

We had another ultrasound at 26 weeks to check the position of the placenta. The ultrasound tech was also nice enough to give us another peek at our little girl and even a couple of pictures! The good news is that the placenta has moved to where it is supposed to be so no more worries about that. Also, baby girl looks very healthy and is growing right on track!

She moves constantly now and is especially good at giving good, swift kicks to my bladder ;-) Jon is convinced she will be a soccer player but I think she must have gymnastics in her future with the way she tumbles around in there !These past couple of weeks Jon and I have even started being able to see the baby's movements from the outside which is kind of weird and cool at the same time.

Here are the pictures from the ultrasound:

Oh, we also forgot to take a picture of my belly at 26 weeks but we did get one at 27 weeks so I'll be sure to post that soon!