Sunday, May 31, 2009

24 Weeks

Hey all,
We're at 25 weeks now. These pictures are from 24 weeks. Starting to get big! Everything is going well with the pregnancy. We have another ultrasound this week, so we'll put more pictures up soon.
Kristin had a baby shower at work, thanks to everyone who came and who gave presents. Kristin has 10 days of work left before she retires (at least temporarily). We're packing up to move- two weeks and we'll be in Columbia. We'll keep you posted with new pictures soon!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jonathan Virkler, M.D.

He did it!! Jon graduated this past weekend and is now officially a doctor. We had a very busy but very fun weekend of graduation events and loved having a lot of our family here to celebrate with us! I think the baby had a great time too and she definitely enjoyed meeting so much of her extended family :-) Here are some pictures from the weekend:

Awards Ceremony 5/15/09

Hooding Ceremony 5/17/09

Commencement 5/18/09

Dr. Jon with his degree and new class ring:

Graduation Party 5/18/09

Monday, May 11, 2009

22 weeks

We're at 22 weeks! Baby's just growing, all the major parts are formed already. Everything's going well, baby kicks pretty hard now!

In other news, we found a place in Columbia! Jon graduates this weekend and everyone's coming up for the party. We'll be moving in about a month so Jon can start residency.

Also, this week an awkward situation came up. Tybalt (our brilliant fur-son) realized that his mommy was growing quite a belly (yeah, not the brightest, that one). He asked what was going on, so we explained to him that he was going to get a baby sister. He did not appreciate that news one bit. This is what he looked like

Monday, May 4, 2009

Whoa Baby! Halfway Cooked!

So we're halfway there! We've hit 20 weeks and everything's going well. Kristin feels okay, but it's definitely getting a little harder to get around. She can feel the baby most of the time now, and the baby is definitely kicking hard! I can feel her moving around at least once a day or so. I heard the baby's heartbeat with a stethoscope a couple of days ago. Nice to know that everything's going okay. We'll keep you posted. Enjoy the pictures!